Why Organic Skincare?
Plant based skincare works similarly to how nutrients work in food - our bodies simply absorb what they require. Antioxidants, vitamins and polyphenols assist with skin health and maintenance and can act as free radical deterrents for healthy cells. The ingredients we have meticulously chosen in each product, are absorbed by the skin rather than treated as synthetic, unrecognisable foreign bodies that end up being stored.
Almost without exception, people report a noticeable improvement in their skin quality when using the Indira Organics range, primarily because there we use ingredients that nourish and benefit the skin in a specific way.
The Indira Organics products also feel equally luxurious compared to premium cosmetic brands, if not more! And the best part is that you will be making a genuine investment in your health when using our products.
Did you know that at least one in 30 people are now experiencing allergies, sensitivities and other illnesses? And that there is a growing body of evidence linking health concerns with toxins from food, cleaning products and other products our skin comes in contact with such as skincare?
Organic skincare is made from organically grown ingredients that are free from pesticides.
Our products contain the maximum possible certified organic ingredients unique to each formula because we value the purity of the ingredients we use, and think you might too!
Choosing to use organic skincare is worth considering if for no other reason than to introduce products that are entirely plant-based and designed to nourish the skin via their valued and proven properties used for centuries.
Product Information
Yes, our products are never tested on animals and we also ensure that our ingredients and suppliers are cruelty free.
Yes, our products are free from animal by-products with the exception of our lip balms which contain small amounts of organic Australian beeswax.
All of our products are safe to use whilst pregnant and breastfeeding however we recommend always checking with your doctor or midwife before using any products containing essential oils. We ensure that we use them at levels within published guidelines.
We are members of various cosmetic education groups who keenly publish any changes in this space, which we observe with curiosity. We will always consider (and implement) changes to our formulas if we believe this will benefit our customers.
Firstly, preservatives are an imperative ingredient to ensure safe and stable skincare products for retail consumption.
We rely on several plant-based preservative systems in our product catalogue to protect you from harmful yeasts, moulds and bacteria, thereby ensuring the efficacy of our skincare.
Additionally, we utilise antioxidants to maintain the integrity of our ingredients, where they are essential to slow oxidative reactions which typically damage the integrity and function of various natural substances. Antioxidants have the added benefit of protecting the skin by limiting the production of free radicals, which can damage skin cells.
Our products have been tested and are stable and safe for use for at least 18 months from the time of batching.
We recommend storing the Indira Organics products in a dry, stable location preferably below 25 degrees celsius directly out of sunlight, and using within 6 months of opening. If you live in a hot climate such as northern Australia, we highly recommend keeping products in a consistently cool place, particularly for heat sensitive products such as our new facial balm released in July 2024.
The expiry date for each product is generated at the time of batching and is found on the bottom of the container or on the tube label.
Products in jars should be used within 6 months of opening. Always keep watertight and where possible use a spatula to dispense these products, replacing the cap after use.
Becoming a Stockist
We welcome retailers who are passionate about the quality of the skincare products they offer to their customers. We wish to align with retailers who care about their customers’ well being and who seek to offer skincare solutions that promote holistic health and provide quality results.
If you think Indira Organics would make a great addition to your valuable business, we would love to hear from you - please contact us with your inquiry.
We understand that supporting our stockists is imperative to enable adequate follow-on customer support, such that the correct Indira Organics products may be recommended and demonstrated to each individual customer for their optimum skin health.
We aim to be on-hand to assist stockists build their client database. We understand your brand knowledge is vital for client satisfaction, which is why we offer complimentary training in person upon request.